Kenya Best Practices Workshop
April 3, 2019
From March 27-29, the USTTI, ITU and World Bank Group (WBG) collaborated to conduct a regulatory best practices workshop, in Nairobi Kenya, for officials from Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Eswatini, and Sierra Leone. With important support from the Communications Authority of Kenya and the African Telecommunications Union (ATU) the three day program addressed the role of an independent communications regulator, licensing frame works and regulatory best practices that spur investment. Holding the session in Nairobi was an historic occasion for the USTTI as the program returned to where it was launched by Ambassador Gardner during the 1982 ITU Plenipotentiary.
In the shadows of the Kenyatta center where the 1982 Plenipotentiary occurred, the program kicked off with USTTI President Jim O’Connor, Philip Okundi, Chairman of the 1982 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, Abdi Sheikh Ahmed, General Manager, National Communications Authority of Somalia , Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director, ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau, Francis Wangusi, MBS, Director General, Communications Authority of Kenya and Ngene Gituku, EBS, Chairman, Board of Directors, Communications Authority of Kenya discussing the unique bond between the USTTI and Kenya and the important ongoing collaboration between the USTTI, ITU and developing country regulators.
One of the many highlights of the three day session was Commissioner Brendan Carr of the Federal Communications Commission sharing his and the FCC’s experience with the regulators from across Africa. Commissioner Carr along with his colleagues from the FCC Thomas Sullivan (International Bureau Chief) and Will Adams (Legal Advisor) inspired the officials, in attendance, with presentations and anecdotes the participants will be able to take home and share with their colleagues. During the entire program the 39 officials from six countries also participated in robust question and answer sessions with representatives from the GSMA, Qualcomm, ITU-D, the World Bank and Packet ClearingHouse.
The USTTI would like to thank the Communications Authority of Kenya for their incredible support in conducting this workshop. The entire CA team worked tirelessly to ensure the USTTI and all participants had an environment that spurred sharing, listening and learning. The USTTI is also incredibly grateful to the National Communications Secretariat of Kenya who shared Kenya’s experience in developing policy that has created the vibrant sector across the country.