April and May FCC Webinar Series

The USTTI is proud to bring you a series of webinars sponsored by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).


This course, comprised of approximately sixteen webinars, is the virtual version of the Federal Communications Commission’s bedrock course, “Spectrum Management in the Civil Sector”.

This course will provide information for the national civilian telecommunications spectrum manager that will enable the making of logical spectrum-related decisions that are well-grounded in basic technical procedures. Participants will receive instruction from senior FCC staff in Washington, D.C., and Columbia, Maryland.

Information will be provided on (1) the development of sound civilian telecommunications policy; (2) public sector telecommunications law; (3) national telecommunications rules and regulations; (4) elements and use of radio, television, wireline, or fiber optic carrier, and the satellite carrier licensee databases; (5) criteria for the assignment of frequency authorizations in both national and international communications services; and (6) the general methodology for approval of transmitting and radiating equipment.

NEXT – Tuesday May 28th, 2024 at 10am EST – USTTI-FCC Spectrum Management in the Civil Sector Webinar Series – The FCC Lab and the Equipment Authorization Program

This webinar will provide an overview of the many roles and functions of the Federal Communications Commission’s Laboratory. The Laboratory Division is under the Office of Engineering and Technology, located in Columbia, Maryland, is responsible for the evaluation of radio frequency (RF) devices and related technologies, designing test procedures for compliance, managing the Equipment Authorization program while providing guidance on common practice and procedures to demonstrate compliance.

You can register for this webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_acy8piReSnOo14kut18euA


FINAL WEBINAR – Thursday May 30th, 2024 at 10am EST – USTTI-FCC Spectrum Management in the Civil Sector Webinar Series – Radio and Television

This webinar will focus on the implementation, regulation and management of the radio and television services in the United States. It will include a background about the origins of the agency, along with the guiding principles that have made the radio and television services evolve from a one frequency audio broadcast to the tens of thousands of channels now available over fixed networks and streaming services. Diving deep into the many technical details about how the AM and FM services are maintained on a day-to-day basis and details about the transition of these services to digital operation.

You can register for this webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UV_Fo5bPQ3SQVLQJflYEmA