USTTI Chairman’s Report

In 2024, the USTTI conducted in-person training and webinars for over one thousand officials from around the world. The USTTI’s in-person trainings were conducted in the United States, Mexico, Rwanda, and Spain. Led by subject matter experts (from government, industry, academia, and civil society) who volunteered their time, shared their expertise, and provided insight into their experiences with our USTTI Scholars USTTI’s 2024 tuition-free courses addressed: AI; regulatory policy; 5G; spectrum management; wireless technologies; cybersecurity; Internet; digital health; spectrum monitoring; rural connectivity; Internet governance; and satellite applications.

As part of our 2024 curriculum, the USTTI also conducted our first-ever program designed specifically for Women Digital Leaders of Africa. The training included 21 officials representing Benin, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Togo, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The two-week program occurred in San Diego, Silicon Valley, New York, and Washington, DC. It focused on emerging technologies and their applications, while providing strategies to enhance each participant’s leadership skills.

The work and training conducted by the USTTI would not be possible without the ongoing support of the USTTI’s Board of Directors. Joining the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of State, and the Federal Communications Commission on the Board of Directors were Amazon; Apple; AT&T; AST Space Mobile; Comcast Corporation; Ericsson; Google; GSMA; ICANN; Intel Corporation; The Internet Society (ISOC); Microsoft; Millicom; Nokia; QUALCOMM Incorporated; SPX Communications; Verizon Communications; and The Walt Disney Company.

As we prepare for 2025, and our 43rd year of training, the demand for USTTI courses has never been stronger. The continuous development of technology and the exciting new ways these technologies are allowing us to connect the unconnected makes USTTI trainings as vital as they have ever been. To respond to this demand, the USTTI will continue to offer in-person training and webinars. In 2025, we will also expand collaborations with our alumni network. In doing so, we will continue to share experiences in our efforts to support you, the women and men who design, regulate, secure, grow, and oversee the communications sector of the world.

I thank you for all you do to support the USTTI, and wish you all the best for a healthy and prosperous 2025.

Most Sincerely,
Jim O’Connor
Chairman and CEO