USTTI and NTIA Announce African Women’s Digital Leadership Training

As part of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) SDG Digital Day, NTIA Administrator and Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information Alan Davidson announced a Partner 2 Connect Pledge to financially support a USTTI African Women’s Digital Leadership Training. The pledge builds on recent USTTI-NTIA collaborations that have provided training for Youth and Emerging Leaders.

The December 2 – 13 training will be conducted across the United States and led by subject matter experts from industry, government, academia, and civil society. The program will include lectures, roundtable discussions, and hands-on experimentation that showcase emerging technologies while providing each participant with strategies and guidance to enhance their leadership skills.

As with all USTTI courses, the training will be tuition-free, and the NTIA’s financial support will provide sponsorship to cover the air travel, hotel, and per diem of those selected to attend. African Women working in the ICT sector are encouraged to apply for the training.

Apply here: